Friday, January 13, 2012

Vitamin C & D??

1) What do you know about VitaminC & D?
2) Why are they important?
3) How do you get them?
4) Provide a "LINK" to more information for each vitamin..


  1. Vitamin C&D by Alex Porter

    Vitamin C is an antioxidant. It helps keep your tissues and mussels in good shape. It helps heal you if you get a cut or a wound. Vitamin C helps fight off infection which makes it harder for you to get sick. It is found in citrus fruits like oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes broccoli, cabbage, kiwi fruit and sweet red peppers.

    Vitamin D helps you keep strong bones and teeth. It helps absorb the calcium you need. Vitamin D is made in the skin when you are out in the sun. Other than the sun, Vitamin D is found in mortified milk, fish, egg yolks, liver and fortified cereal.

    1. Vitamin C and D By:Jomelane Altarejos
      Vitamin C, was first isolated in laboratories of American biochemists. Szent-Gyorgyi found out that Hungarin red peppers to be a rich source of citrus fruits and tomatoes. There are other good sources like;berries,fresh green and yellow vegetables, and white potatoes and sweet potatoes. Vitamin C is really an oxidized and is easily destoryed in cooking and during storage. Vitamin C in scurvy, the symptoms of which are largely related to inadequate collagen synthesisand defective formation. The use of megadoses is to prevent common colds, stress, mentall illness, cancer, and heart disease.
      Vitamin D is a name from two fat-solube compounds. They are usually known to be hormones, but continued to be with the vitamin group. A plentiful supply of dehydrocholesterol, exist in human skin needs to be activated by a moderate amount of ultraviolet lights to become fully potent. Symptoms of Vitamin D in children include bowlegs,knock knees,and more severe deformationof the bones. Excessive Vitamin D can be in toxicity. The daily dietary allowances for cholecalciforel is to 5 to 10 micrograms.

  2. Vitamin C & D By: Obinna Nwokoro

    Vitamin C helps your body heal wounds, it also helps with protecting your body from infections so you won’t get sick. Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits, cantoloupe, strawberries, and kiwi.

    Vitamin D helps you maintain healthy bones and teeth, vitamin D also helps with calcium absorption, vitamin D is also made when sunlight hits your skin, you can get vitamin D from the following foods: fish, egg yolks, and liver.

    Sources By:

    1. Vitamin C&D By: Brandon Nance
      Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, a water-soluble vitamin, was first disconnected in the laboratories of American biochemists Albert Szent-Gyorgyi and Charles King in the years 1928–33. The vitamin is readily oxidized and therefore is easily annihilated in cooking and during storage. It is an antioxidant and is necessary to several metabolic processes.

      Vitamin D is a name given to two fat compounds Vitamin D2 and Vitamin D3. They are now known as hormones, but continue to be grouped with vitamins. Vitamin D3 exists in human skin and needs only to be activated by a moderate amount of ultraviolet light to become fully potent, equivalent to an half an hour of sunlight.

  3. Vitamin C & D By: Autumn Harrod

    Vitamin C is a water soluble type of vitamin. It prevents cancer, and heart disease. It can be found in the following foods: cabbage, oranges and lemon juice. Vitamin C is actually important to our bodies; they even protect our cells from germs. Did you know this vitamin also helps heal things like a scratch?

    Only animals can synthesis this vitamin, humans can’t. Vitamin D is important to us like vitamin C. It can be found in liver, fish, egg yolks, and fortified cereal. Vitamin D strengths our teeth and gives us calcium. I researched that this vitamin is found in the skin. But only in the sunlight, I think that’s weird. It cures rickets, which is a bone disease and scurry.


    1. Vitamin C & D By Zakiyyah Ferguson
      Vitamin C is important for kepping body tissues.Vitamin C is also an key because if you get a cut or wound it helps you heal.Vitamin C also helps your body resist infection this means that even though you can’t avoid getting sick vitamin c makes it a little harder for your body to become infected with an illness.Vitamin c prevents common colds,stress,mental illness,cancer,and heart diseases.Vitamin c is found in citrus fruits,like oranges,strawberries,broccoli kiwi fruit and tomatoes.
      Vitamin D is the vitamin you need for strong bones it is also great for forming strong teeth. Vitamin D even lends a hand to an important mineral it helps your body asorb the amount of calcium it needs.Symotoms of vitamin D deficiency in children include bow legs,knock knees,and more severe deformations of the bones.Vitamin D is also found in the skin.Vitamin D is found in milk fortified with vitamin d,fish eggs,liver and fortified cereal.

      Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. It is a water-soluble vitamin. Vitamin C was first isolated from adrenal cortex, oranges, cabbage, & lemon juice. Two American biochemists did this in their laboratories. Their names were Albert Szent-Gyorgyi & Charles King. This happened in 1928-1933. Vitamin C is really oxidized & therefore it can be easily destroyed.
      Vitamin D is a name given to two fat-soluble compounds named calciferol & cholecalciferol. Vitamin D is now known to be hormones. Vitamin D3 plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium & phosphorus in the body. Excessive vitamin D consumption can result in toxicity.

    3. Vitiamin C and D by: shannon foote
      Vitamin c is a water-soluble vitamin. I was first isolated ( from adrenal cortex, oranges, cabbage, and lemon juice). The vitamin is really oxidized and therefore Is easily distroyed in cooking and during storage. Deficiency of vitiamin c results in scurvy. The use of meagdoses of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to prevent common colds, stress, mentel illness, cancer, and heart disease is a continuing subject of research. The recommended daily allowance for adults is 60 mg.
      Vitimen D is a name given to two fat-soluble compounds; calciferol ( vitamin d2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin d3). Vitamin d3 plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body and prevents rickets in children. Symptoms include nausea, loss of appetite, kidney damage, and daily dietary allowance for choleciferol is micrograms.
      Here are websites:
      Vitamin c:
      vitamin d:

  4. Vitamin C&D By:Aniya Taylor-Simons
    Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid is a water soluble type of vitamin. Vitamin C is important for keeping your body tissues, such as your gums and muscles in good shape. When you have your vitamin C and you get a cut or wound the vitamin helps to heal the wound. Vitamins are in foods such as cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi fruit, cabbage, and sweet red peppers.

    Vitamin D is very important to our body as Vitamin C. Vitamin D helps our muscles and teeth grow stronger! It also helps the body absorb the calcium that we need. Vitamin D can be in fish, egg yolks, liver, and even fortified cereal. I found out that Vitamin D can be found in the skin. But only in the sunlight. It carries rickets which is a bone disease and scurry.


    1. Vitamin C&D By: Christopher Johnson

      Vitamin C is the or also known as ascorbic acid. It is a water– soluble vitamin. It was first isolated from oranges, cabbage,& lemon juice. Citrus fruit and red peppers and tomatoes are great sources to find Vitamin C. The vitamin is oxidized and so it is easily destroy in cooking and during storage. This is the uses of vitamin C is to prevent colds, stress, cancer, heart disease and many others.

      Vitamin D name was given to two fat-soluble compounds. Vitamin D3 plays important role in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus and prevents rickets in children. The precursor of d3 exists in human skin and only activates in moderate sunlight. Excessive Vitamin D can cause some symptoms like knock knees and many other symptoms.

    2. Vitamin C & D by Devin Taylor
      Vitamin C in oranges helps you heel when you get cut.this vitamin also helps your body resist infection. All animals except humans or other primates like guinea pigs one bat and a bird are able to synthesize ascorbic acid(vitamin C). Some foods that have vitamin c are citrus fruits ,tomatoes,berries and potatoes.
      Vitamin D is given to two fat soluble compounds(d2). D3 helps prevent rickets in children. This vitamin is found in fish liver oils and fortified milk.Excessisive vitamin d can result in toxity(symtoms include nausea ,loss of appettite and kidney damage.

    3. Vitamin C & D by Faith Groce
      Vitamin C helps your body by keeping your body tissues such as your gums and muscles healthy. Vitamin C also helps your body when you get cut vitamin C helps you heal faster. You can find Vitamin C in…oranges, cantaloupe, strawberries, tomatoes, kiwi, and cabbage.
      Vitamin D can help you by giving you strong bones such as your teeth. Vitamin D also helps your body absorb the amount of calcium it needs. You can get vitamin D in the foods that you eat. Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to sunlight.

    Vitamin c or ascorobic acid , is found in verius things . Vitamin c is a water slube acid, it is also found in other good sources such as fresh green and yellow vegetebles , berries ,and sweet and white potatoes.Vitamin c is known to be exstremly important to the body, it is responsible for keeping cells, muscules, and bones connected.Did you know vitamin c is the cure to the scurvy?
    Did you know that vitamin D name is given to two fat-slube compounds.Vitamin D is now known as hormones.Also vitamin D is found in human skin.Vitamin D can help yest etc.Vitamin D is deficiency in children that are knocked kneed ,bow leged and etc.Vitamin D is found chmmerical preperations.
