Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MSA Thoughts....

Dear 6th Graders:
What are your thoughts on MSA 2012?  Provide one positive and one NOT so positive thought on the topic:


  1. I think the MSA is a great test to see what i learned. But I need to pass and thats alot of pressure on me

  2. Well one positve efeect on MSA is learning where we currently are on testes and work.

    One negative effect is that if you dont pass you will fail the grade

  3. I think in the MSA some people will be nervous about the test and probably might get advanced or proficient on the test

    1)One positive thing is that it can show off how smart Maryland students are..

    1)One non-positive thing is that you do not get a long enough break or good snacks and you have to go to bed really early. Also the test is to long and you cant use the bathroom during the test.

  5. I think that the M.S.A is overrated they make you prep all day just for this one test. Just because you fail or your not up to par doesn't determine your whole life. there will be more opportunity.

  6. This is my bad and good thoughts on MSA 2012. This is my good thoughs on MSA people to show how smart they are. The bad is that the test way to long and if something is way to long kids won`t be able pay atention because after a while they start to wonder when this test is going to be over, Those are the bad and good thought of MSA.

  7. I think that the MSA will be a good thing because it will test everyone on what they've learned and what they remeber and I think it shows you what class you'll be in next year. Someting bad is that I don't think that I've ever taken it and if I did I don't rember.

    1. I think that we will pass the msa and go to the 7th grade

  8. My positive thoughts on the M.S.A. are good because i will learn from taking that test. It could also help me in my upcoming test and my upcoming grade. My not so good thought about the M.S.A. is that it is extra extra LONG.......

  9. One positive thing is to help me in the future and also to show smart i am.One not poitive is so long and a lot of work.

  10. POSTIVE... What I think about MSA 2012 is that I will pass. My other thought I think that everone should do there best because it will help them later on in their life. Also so that everyone will be able to gradutate.

    NEGATIVE... Some bad things about MSA 2012 is that I have to take it right before my Birthday. Also you cant get up to 1)streth. 2) Go to the bath room. 3) Eat good snack or have a long enoughtime to have a break.

  11. What i think of the MSA 2012!!!is that if you do good then you will be put with the kids that think that way.The test tells if your advance ,profient or basic, But the negative is who feels like waiting 45 mins thats too long
