Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Honor in U.S. history

Why do you think SACAJAWEA earned an honored place in U.S. history?  Provide at least 2 specific details in your answer.


  1. I think she earned a right in American History because she went on an expedition with Lewis and Clark. Also she help pick some food out and help make medicine for the people who were hurt. Also Sacajawea she saved some important information that they needed.

    Sinceritly:Bre'Ana W

  2. Sacagawea earned a honored plase in history be cause of what she went through she got kidnaped when she was just a young girl she came from a tribe named the shoshone she got kiddnaped by the hidasta's sacagawea got married at the age of 15 and she helped the lewis and clarck expedition she made the mediciane for anyone who got sick during the time and she supplemented the food for them,she also she saved some important documents that they needed that is how she earned the respect form lewis and clarck and earned her place in U.S history
    Shania A.

  3. Sacagawea did very important things in the Lewis and Clark expedition
    1) She retrieve the files or documents.
    2) Made medicane for Lewis and Clark
    Brandon N

  4. Yes, because she did alot for the Lewis and Clark expedition with Sacagewea Lewis and Clark wouldn't have made it back to the government here are some things she did to earn a rightful place in U.S. history:

    1)She rescued Lewis and Clark from the river.
    2)She collected roots and herbs for medicine.

  5. Sacagawea earned a honored place in U.S history because she was kidnapped and because of the event's the followed it. She also earned a honored place in U.S history because she went on the Lewis and Clark expendition and did mutiple things. Like retrieve the important docoments, collected berries and twigs and stuff to make medcine to help the people that were hurt, and finally because she added extra food to the pile.
    Ryane M

  6. I think Sacajawea earned a place in history because she rescued important documents from the river, and she provided medicine for sick crew members.

  7. I think Sacagawea earned an honored place in U.S history because she help Lewis & Clark on their expedition. She provide food. Also she gave them medicine to them if they were sick. Even she supplemented their food just incase they ran out.

  8. sacagawea retrieve the files or documents and made medicine to those who were hurt she retreved the documents and supllemented food and she went on the lewis & clark expidition

    dominique j

  9. I think sacagawea made us history because she the people survive they're lives by giving them medicine but the most important one of all is she helped Lewis and Clark find land that's the most important because if she didn't help them we wouldn't know where to live. Devin. Taylor

  10. I think Sacajawea earned a rightful place in U.S. history because she helped find new ways that lead to the Pacific Ocean. Also she provided food and medicine along the journey with Lewis and Clark. She saved important documents from the river.

  11. sacajawea earned her place in u.s. history by:
    1) saved *important* papers and documents.
    2) saved lewis and clark from water.
