Friday, December 2, 2011




  1. Once upon a time there was a boy named Allen. Allen loved the circus and all the animals with it too. He soothe the animals after a long day and loved them with all his heart. Allen loves to accompany the ring master and always tries to interpret the animals like the ring master does. But one day the circus was being sold to a rich clown. Allen and the clown had a skirmish. Allen tried to convince him that the animals were invaluable but the clown didn't care but when the clown accidentally bumped into one of the cages and everything got knocked down like dominoes. Because of the clown's inept handling they were going to be eaten alive by ravenous animals, but Allen stepped in and tried to tell the animals to stop but the animals didn't listen, then the ring master some how put the animals in their cages without a scratch and the clown ran away like a loser the end.

  2. Once there was a girl named Sarah.She loved to ride on her skateboard and play lacrosse. Her twin brother named Brian would always try to accompany her but was unfortunately inept. One day, they went outside to ride their skateboards. Once brian rode on it for about 3 minutes he fell on his knees and had 2 huge cuts bleeding. He started to cry, then sarah sprung into to action. First, soothed him telling him its ok and then banaged up his cuts. When they got home, sarah had a skirmish with their parents. She had to interpert to them how it happened, but it was invaluable to fight with them. Brian became ravenous to find out if sarah was ok. He stood up to his parents and said"Look Sarah said it was an accident and you need to believe her"and went upstairs. Their parents were shocked but concerned they didnt believe sarah. So they went upstairs and apologised to her. Later on they had a happy dinner. The End

  3. Creative Project title: All about my dresser
    Is she valuable?
    Exahusted from storing all types of things
    Has some much to say and think
    Lost both arms and legs
    Relects in the mirror
    Collecter for all
    But most especially me
    Staying tall and bold
    But to big to hold
    Let me stay here in my room
    Before i come to my doom
    I wont be sold or replaced
    To anyone who doesnt know my value

  4. There was a boy named Lightning. He was playing with his invaluable toy. But his toy broke. He started to cry. His mommy came upstairs to soothe him. She said" I'll buy you a new toy". Before they got to the the toy store, Lightning said" I am ravenous". Lightning & his mom went to Mc'donalds. Lightning's mom got mad, so they had a skirmish. His dad always accompany with him. Lightning's mom was taking in weird language so his dad interpret her language. We they got to the toy store, Lightning was walking inept. He was sick from the food he ate so they rushed him to a hospital. After he took the pain the doctor gave him a ney tow.

  5. One day there was a girl named LilPrincess she has 9 friends name Shania,Aniya,Amiya,Autumn,Destini,Ryan,Faith,Zakiyah, and Janie. We all ACCOMPANY to the mall and we were all RAVENOUS. Then we went to the spaw to SOOTHE and we went to the store so we can buy our prom dress, so we all bought INVALUABLE dresses. We bumped into some kids and we got into a SKIRMISH. But Destini dropped her dress into the mud because she was INEPT. Also Destini was one of our new friends so we couldnt understand her except Ryan because they were INTERPRET. We bought Destini a new dress and we made it to the dance and we had a great time.

  6. There once was a girl named Juliet who loved to dance and she loved photograpy. One day when she was practicing her dancing skills when her best friend named Kylie accompanied her, they danced for hours and got very ravenous. when they finshed eating Kylie spent a night over Juliet's house. They took many pictures to capture the moment. They went to sleep and woke the next morning to have a skirmish. Juliet went on with her day and when she was dancing she broke her ankle she had to go to the doctor so she could soothe the pain. Then Kylie came by they realised there friendship was interpret. When Juliet got out the hospital she had a inept walk.

  7. There once was a boy named Billy Bob. He was always teased because of his name. He would always get into lots of skermishes because he would get really mad at the bullies. But all of this changed when he met a girl named Anita Bath. They became the best of friends. Together they were invaluable team. They became so close that they even shared pizza when they were ravenous. They played sports with each other but Anita was the best. Billy was just to inept. When they would talk to each other they would use code word so they can interpret each other in different ways. Billy Bob was very happy to have someone accompany him.They would soothe each other when they were down.years had pasted and they grew tired of each other and went thier separate ways

  8. There once was a girl named ashli she wanted her friend khya to accompany her to go to her bellet recital they worked so hard on the dances that no one wanted to mess up so that ashli donn't be shy she invited khya her one day before the play she got a stomach ache so her mom gave her some medicain to soothe her pain that day fourth her stomach felt better so she practiced and practed til she remembered those invaluable moves the bad thing about her is that she speaks spanish only her mom can interpret what she says ashli has a little brother named jordan he is so inept that when he walk pass something he knocks it down so ashli's mom wanted to bring jordan but ashli didn't want him to come so they had a little skirmish the next day they finally came to an agreement that he would stay over his grandmother's house so the dance began and at the very last end all the girls were ravenous
