Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Superlatives 2012: SHANIA

Superlatives 2012: JOMELANE

Superlatives 2012: AMIYR

Superlatives 2012: BREANA

Superlatives 2012: ANDREW

Superlatives 2012: NICK

Superlatives 2012: AMAIYA

Superlatives 2012: ANIYA

Superlatives 2012: DEVIN

Superlatives 2012: XAVIER

Superlatives 2012: KENDRIA

Superlatives 2012: JARELL

Superlatives 2012: DANTE

Superlatives 2012: WILLIAM

Superlatives 2012: AMANDRE

Superlatives 2012: TERI

Superlatives 2012: OBINNA

Superlatives 2012: BRANDON

Superlatives 2012: CAMRYN

Superlatives 2012: RYANE

Superlatives 2012: DESTINI

Superlatives 2012: DOMINIQUE

Superlatives 2012: CHRISTOPHER

Superlatives 2012: AUTUMN

Superlatives 2012: LESLIE

Superlatives 2012: FAITH

Superlatives 2012: SHANNON

Superlatives 2012: ZAKIYYAH

Superlatives 2012: KEON

Superlatives 2012: KELSEY

* Remember to sign your names at the end!!!!

Superlatives 2012: KEVIN


It was a challenging year but you survived! Hooray! ~Mrs. Cooper

Monday, March 26, 2012

US and Canada: Physical Geography

Identifying Central Issues:  If you looked down at the U.S. and Canada from outer space, what major landforms common to both countries would you see?  
* Name at least 3-4 landforms and be specific for each country.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

MSA Thoughts....

Dear 6th Graders:
What are your thoughts on MSA 2012?  Provide one positive and one NOT so positive thought on the topic:

Friday, January 13, 2012

Vitamin C & D??

1) What do you know about VitaminC & D?
2) Why are they important?
3) How do you get them?
4) Provide a "LINK" to more information for each vitamin..